Portrait of Bob Rogers by Disney Legend John Hench
“Used correctly, artifacts have the power to personally connect us to events and people that previously had no interest for us at all...
...But first, to release the magic of the artifact, we need context - a great, well-told story.”
BRC Imagination Arts - Bob Rogers is the Founder, CEO, and Chairman of BRC Imagination Arts, a global, strategic design and production company that translates brand and cultural stories into transformative, human experiences. BRC's clients include some of the most iconic brands and destinations in the world. Master storyteller, filmmaker, writer, director, and more, Rogers mentors a young and talented creative team as they serve clients both large and small.
Oscar Nominations & Others - Since its inception in 1981, BRC has been honored with over 400 international awards for creative excellence, including two Oscar Nominations Rainbow War and Ballet Robotique both produced and directed by Bob). NASA invited him to help develop its master plan for the exploration of Mars. Bob was later awarded the NASA Public Service Medal.
Oscar Board of Directors & Others (2014-2017) - Bob was elected to the Board of Directors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the Oscars®). Bob is also a former member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), and a former Board Member of the Ryman Arts Foundation, providing scholarships for young artists.
Emmy Nomination - In 2015, Bob was nominated for a Los Angeles Area Emmy for "The Wedge: Dynasty, Tragedy, Legacy."
Hall of Fame - Bob Rogers has been inducted into the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Hall of Fame. Previous inductees including Walt Disney; Walter Knott (Knott’s Berry Farm); Milton Hershey (Hersheypark) among many others.
Lifetime Achievement - In 2007, Bob Rogers received the THEA Lifetime Achievement Award for his breakthrough work in the themed entertainment and experience design industry worldwide.
Order of the Lincoln Medal - In 2009 Bob received the Order of Lincoln Medal for his and BRC's role in creating The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.
Bob Rogers and The Ghost of Lincoln: The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Mueum